
Employee Pension Plan

You need strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment
Your most valuable asset is your employees.

Any business large or small, relies on one vital ingredient: its employees. More than anything else, it is the capabilities and the motivation of the employees which determines success. Securing their commitment and loyalty is very important to you.

One way that shows that you’re a caring organisation that takes interest in your employees’ well-being both now and beyond their retirement, while further boosting your brand image in the community is by introducing an employer sponsored pension plan.

Benefits to you, the employer

  • Helps you attract and retain the best talent
  • Tax credit of up to €750 p.a. per employee*
  • Tax deductibility on the amount of contributions paid, subject to a capping

The Employee Pension Plan also provides important tax concessions** for your employees:

  • Tax credit of up to €750 p.a. on personal contributions*
  • No tax payable on death benefits
  • Subject to applicable regulations, a lump sum up to 30% of the plan value may be taken out which lump sum is exempt from tax in Malta.
  • No Capital Gains Tax on investment income received within the plan.
  • Employer contributions are not considered a Fringe Benefit and no further tax is payable.

Your employees will also enjoy and value other multiple benefits:

  • Educational seminar by HSBC to present generic retirement planning tips and to explain the value of a plan sponsored by you as their employer.
  • Contributions payable by you to help boost their retirement planning.
  • A simple process to join the plan with initial meetings arranged through the workplace.
  • Full financial advice provided to each employee by HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. through a team of financial planning advisors.
  • Complete flexibility of contributions, subject to a low minimum thresholds.
  • Wide range of investment fund choices giving access to world renowned investment managers.
  • Online valuations of the plan available through HSBC Malta Online and Mobile Banking.

*25% tax credit on a maximum contribution of €3,000 p.a. per employee from year of assessment 2022.

** This information has been prepared on our understanding of current legislation, tax laws and Inland Revenue practice at time of publication. The applicable laws and legislation may change in the future. Please consult your Tax Advisor for confirmation of tax benefits applicable to your circumstances

Find out more

To find out more about our Employee Pension Plan, book an appointment for advice with a member of our financial planning team.

Important documents

Further details can be found in the product brochure. Click here to read the product brochure (PDF, 1.21 MB).


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